Shine Your Light for Human Rights

A series of 14 events across seven time zones spotlighting the centrality of rights to the daily lives of people everywhere.


Shine your light for the future we all want

13 December 2018, Geneva

UDHR Article 25 recognises the rights of children.

To be headlined by the High Commissioner, this uniquely “inter-generational” event, will be held in the HRC chamber, and take the form of a discussion with and for children to spotlight what human rights means for them today and in their future. We will also celebrate to the part that children play as human rights defenders.

13 December 2018 - It was a rare sight for the Human Rights Chamber at Palais des Nations in Geneva: over 400 youth activists and students between the ages of 12 and 19 from school in the greater Geneva area came together to commemorated the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They shared their hope and dreams, what human rights mean to them today as well as their demands for their futures, and celebrated the part children play as human rights defenders. The kids gave a standing ovation to Roben X, US rapper and anti-bullying activist, who performed two of his songs.

Read the full story on the OHCHR website

  • I will respect your rights regardless of who you are. I will uphold your rights even when I disagree with you
  • When anyone’s human rights are denied, everyone's rights are undermined, so I will stand up
  • I will raise my voice. I will take action. I will use my rights to stand up for your rights.

people have stood up for human rights

We can all be Human Rights Champions

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